jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

Homework March 2nd, 2013

Hello Kids!!
I´m sorry!! But now I have a laptop again!!! :D :D
The homework for this Saturday is:

- Answer worksheet of Future tenses

- Answer exercise a page 9and exercise b and c from page 10.

- Study for the quiz

- Oral Exam: Choose a topic, look for information about that topic and print it, make a paragraph with that information and with your own ideas (a complete page paragraph)

- Future Will & Future "going to" presentation

- For your parents: Programación Semestre

Have a great week!!
Any doubt send me an e-mail!! :)

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013

Homework February 16th, 2013

Hello Kids!!
The homework for this Saturday is to answer the sentences that you copy in your notebook about Present Simple and Past Simple and to answer the worksheet!!
Here are the worksheet and the power point presentations!! Any question please send me an e-mail or post it on Facebook!
Have a great week!

-Present Simple

-Present Progressive

lunes, 4 de febrero de 2013

Homework February 9th, 2013

Hello Kids!!
The homework for next Saturday is:
-Study for the 1st Partial exam: Kinds of sentences, Nouns (common, proper, countable and uncountable), Present "to be", Past "to be", Sentences (present, past & future tense), Articles
-Answer exercise b from page 58, exercise a from page 38
-Write in your notebook a 20 line paragraph about your life
-Make quiz mistakes 3 times in your notebook
-Answer the lyric "Call me maybe"
-Remember to enter the facebook page!! www.facebook.com/EnglishClass08

- Articles power point presentation

-Lyric "Call me maybe"

If you have a question please send me an e-mail! or post it in the Facebook page!!!
Have a great week!!!! :)