jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Open House

Hello Kids!
This is the script for the open house
See you this Saturday at 8:00 am for practicing

Por favor váyanse bien guapos, y más o menos de acuerdo al papel que les toca presentar, ya sea música o comida (pueden llevarse un delantal de cocina) usen su imaginación.


Apréndanse por favor su parte!! Y este sábado practicaremos mucho
La canción será la de Imagine de John Lenon porque casi todo mundo se la sabe. No se mortifiquen, este sábado practicaremos mucho y todo saldrá muy bonito!!
No falten!!

lunes, 6 de mayo de 2013

Homework Saturday 11th, 2013

Hello Kids!!!

The homework for next Saturday is:
- Answer exercise b page 91, d and e page 92 from your book.
- Watch the following you tuve video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpaOjMXyJGk
and make a 25 line paragraph (in a separate sheet) trying to answer the following questions:
a) What do you think about beauty?
b) What do you think about yourself?
c) How would you describe yourself to others? Be as descriptive as posible
Study for the 4th Partial: Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Perfect Simple, Past Perfect Progressive, Adjectives, Adverbs

Any question please send me an e-mail!!
Have a nice week :)

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Homework Saturday May 4th, 2013

Hello Kids!!
The homework for this Saturday is:

-Answer Past Perfect Tenses Worksheet
-Copy the chart of Irregular Verbs in your notebook (page 160 from your book)
-Make 2 sentences with each of the rules of Present Perfect Simple and 2 sentences with each of the rules of Present Perfect Progressive

*Present Perfect Simple ppt

*Present Perfect Progressive ppt

*Past Perfect Tenses ppt

Any questions send me an e-mail!
Have a great week!

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Homework April 20th, 2013

Hello Kids!
The homework for this Saturday is:
-Make 4 times the quiz & exam mistakes
-Answer exercise e page 27, f page 27, c page 110, d page 111
-Answer Adjective´s worksheet
Study for the 3rd Partial exam: Future Will, Future "going to", Word Order, Prepositions of time, prepositions of place, Infinitives & Adjectives

*Adjective´s power point presentation
Any question please send me an e-mail!
Have a great week!

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013

Easter Vacations homework!

Hello kids!!
The homework is:
- To answer the Easter Lab

- Answer exercise b page 49, and exercise c page 50 from your book

-Infinitives power point presentation

Have a great time in your vacations!!
I miss you!
Any question send me an e-mail!!

domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

Homework March 16th, 2013

Hello Kids!!

The homework for this week will be to answer the following internet pages:

For you to practice everything that we have seen!
I will be checking the power point presentations today and tomorrow!
Please don´t forget that next class is St. Patricks day! everyone has to wear something white or green!! and don´t forget to bring a green dish for the contest

Don´t forget to answer the worksheet of prepositions and word order
Answer exercise c, d (page 23) and e and f from page 24.
Power Point Presentation of Word Order and Prepositions

Have a great week! any doubt send me an e-mail!!


jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

Homework March 2nd, 2013

Hello Kids!!
I´m sorry!! But now I have a laptop again!!! :D :D
The homework for this Saturday is:

- Answer worksheet of Future tenses

- Answer exercise a page 9and exercise b and c from page 10.

- Study for the quiz

- Oral Exam: Choose a topic, look for information about that topic and print it, make a paragraph with that information and with your own ideas (a complete page paragraph)

- Future Will & Future "going to" presentation

- For your parents: Programación Semestre

Have a great week!!
Any doubt send me an e-mail!! :)